Friday, October 12, 2007

Call Center Agent Work Flow

Nowadays where technology plays a big part of everyone’s lives, technical support is always needed especially for those who are just learning to use technologies such as the computers, mobile phone and etc. If you are planning to take a call center job you should consider if you can handle the pressure talking to irate callers giving them instructions and the graveyard shifts. There are lots of call center companies out there that often search for call center agents to help them handle callers. If you know you can handle this pressure then knowing how a call is handled by a call center agent will give you an edge in applying for the job.

1. Greet the caller with a smile, ask for their full name then try calling him/her by their first name. In this way you are actually personalizing the call and will improve customer experience.

2. Proceed in helping the customer. You can use all of your resources to that can help you. You can ask your supervisor if you can't find the best resolution to your customer's problem. While helping the customer you can ask some personal details such as phone numbers and email address once she is already comfortable communicating with you. By means of this the caller will not think that you are doing unnecessary things during the call.

3. To avoid dead air, you can make rapport by asking not offensive personal question.

4. Always ask for permission in putting customer on hold. Tell them how long and why. Never put the customer on hold for more than 2 minutes. Customer might think that you leaved her already. If you're not yet done finding the best resolution ask another minute. Customer will understand that, just be transparent and true to your client.

5. End the call in a polite way, try to leave a mark on the customer that you still want her to call and you are still interested talking to her. Try to give your contact details if allowed for her lifeline.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you know that they have come out with call center simulation. I called Capital One the other day and everything that they did was registered by an automated voice. It was pretty cool.